After lots of name brand and generic versions of Zantac and Tagamet - not to mention loads and loads of various antacids, i.e., Pepto Bismol, Rolaids, etc. - I did quite a bit of online research to find an alternative treatment.
What I found repeatedly in my research was GINGER. Yes, simple ginger. First, I recommend that you just go to a health food store - a chain like Whole Foods is fine - and simply purchase a box of GINGER ROOT or GINGER tea
With just one cup of this tea - first thing in the AM before anything else (and especially before coffee!), I was more than happy to trade the monthly cost of Prilosec (and the health risks that go with it) for my one cup a day of Ginger tea.
Now, before you say "But I don't like tea", "I am not a tea drinker", hear me out. This isn't about enjoying a cup of tea. Treat it like medicine, and do it just this way:
First thing in the AM, go ahead and have a glass of water while you boil enough water for a large cup. As soon as the water comes to a boil, throw in ONE BAG of Ginger tea, and remove the tea kettle or pan from the burner. Let it steep for a few minutes, then pour the tea AND THE BAG off into a cup. If some is left in the kettle or pan, just leave it there for later.
Now let it cool down. You can throw ice in there if you are in a hurry or if your stomach is on fire.
A word of warning: Ginger has a "bite" to it. You will be amazed at how spicy it is, but stay with it. Throw ice cubes into it and drink cold or just keep watering it down so that you can finish it, but do use it! If you use it each and every day, Ginger will become your new bestfriend, I promise you that. It works better, faster, and lasts longer than anything I've ever tried.
When I first started using Ginger, I was skeptical, but I am an herbalist so I tried it. I am so glad that I did. From my first cup of Ginger tea, I was able to completely get away from over-the-counter products that only worked about half the time. I was able to return to a cup of coffee in the AM - AFTER drinking the Ginger tea FIRST. Then, I could eat and drink whatever I wanted all day and night without pain! That was the first time that I was pain-free in a year and a half! I had pain so bad that I could not stand up straight. It was terrible.
By the time you finish your first cup of Ginger tea, your pain will have subsided greatly or be gone - - and your acid reflux stays gone! If you are having a bad bout of acid reflux, or if you are just starting out and in pain, brew enough to take with you (leave the bag in) for sipping throughout the day. That is what I really love about this remedy. Portable - - and it works! You can experiment and make entire pots of it (using 2 - 3 bags), and sip on it at home or take with you wherever you go.
If you stick with the one-cup-a-day regimen, you will never suffer again. I haven't. And after a few months of this regimen, I was able to stop using it daily, and I've rarely felt the "burn" since.
Give yourself some relief, and give your pocketbook - and body - a much needed break.